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Interesting Facts About Our 12 Zodiac Signs

Apr 02, 2018

Most people know that there are 12 zodiac signs placed on the position of the planets, sun and moon. Each has a set of traits, attitudes, strengths and weaknesses. But while you think you know a lot about the zodiac signs, mainly your own, there are some interesting facts about each that you may not know. So, here are 12 interesting facts about Zodiac Signs that you must know.

1. Pisces

People with this sign are known as Pisceans. They are very subtle and reserved, often making good listeners and friends. Fish is the symbol of Pisces, the twelfth and final sign. Its period is from February 18 to March 20.

2. Aquarius

This is a sign of Aquarians. People with this sign are said to not care what others think of them. They grab every opportunity and are quite creative. Its symbol is the water bearer and its duration is from January 19 to February 18.

3. Capricorn

People who have this sign are known as Capricorns. Their personality is known to reflect ambition, intelligence, steadiness, passion, spirituality, and intuition. Its symbol is the fish-goat hybrid and its duration is from December 21 to January 20.
Tags: Zodiac Signs  Zodiac Sign Facts  Scorpio  Virgo  Zodiac Sign Symbols  

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