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Find out Why This Boy Pushed His BMW into River

Aug 14, 2019

Gifts are meant to be valued however some people go beyond limits and prove how selfish and ungrateful they are.  Recently a young boy pushed his new BMW into a river because he wanted a Jaguar. The young man’s name is Akash and the reason he did this is as he found BMW less spacious for him and his pals.

A video shows the car sinking beneath the water in Yamunanagar, Haryana state in northern India. It had to be pulled out using a crane.

As per the reports, the boy came out of the car before it went deep inside and then locals nearby helped him. A police official said: "The youth was arrogant and kept insisting that he be given a Jaguar as a BMW is a little small for him and his friends inside. We would do a preliminary investigation but this seems to be a personal matter. We will proceed according to the law."

This incidence has shocked many people as it shows how some children disrespect their parents.

The boy's father said, "I wanted to give my son a birthday present. We could only afford to give him a BMW, while he kept on insisting that he be given a Jaguar. He said the vehicle was too small but we thought he will be okay. "We never imagined he would do anything like this."
Tags: Birthday  Parents  Cars  BMW  Jaguar  

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