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Doctor's Day: Some Rare Known Facts About Doctor

Jul 01, 2020

In the coronavirus pandemic, we have got to know the real heroes, and they are our doctors and frontline health care providers. While we all are safe inside our homes, they risk their lives every day to keep us healthy and protected. 1st July is celebrated as Doctor’s Day, and this year we have come up with some rare unknown facts about doctors:

About 46% of doctors work overtime

Physicians and doctors are among one of the highest paid careers

They always have to attend duty calls

There is no specific working time for them they have to rush back when needed

They take an oath called Hippocratic Oath to uphold ethical standards.

Doctors Day is celebrated on different dates world over. Some countries also observe holidays on this day. In India it is 1st July

The modern white coat was introduced to medicine in the late 1800s as a symbol of cleanliness

Doctors have emerged as real heroes in coronavirus pandemic

Besides working on the field they are also working online too these days

Doctors are doing double work to serve all of us

Doctor’s have bad handwriting as they write very fast

Doctor is a Latin word which means teacher.

There is no holiday for doctor’s. They are allowed only selective holiday leave even on festivals

This day is dedicated to all the doctors to remind them of their vital role in our lives

Doctor's Day is celebrated on July 1 all across India to honour the legendary physician and the second Chief Minister of West Bengal, Dr Bidhan Chandra Roy.

Doctor's are working 24-hours in this pandemic

Tags: doctor’s  doctor’s facts  doctor’s day India  facts about doctor  

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