Things You Should Never Leave in the Car

Sep 16, 2021

Do you know some things should not be left in your car as those things can either be harmful to the car or for you? Wondering what those things are? Read on so that you don't leave these things in the car

Electronic devices

Anyone may be able to see your laptop, phone or tablet through the windows and they might try to steal it.

Skincare products

Some of the ingredients in skincare products may get denatured under the sun and that can spoil it before the expiry date.

Plastic water bottles

The plastic may melt under the suns and the chemicals could seep into the water. This is dangerous for your health.


If you are carrying perishable items, it is best to keep them in the fridge as soon as possible.


The lenses of your sunglasses could act as a magnifying glass and with the sun shining for hours, this could even lead to a fire.

Confidential documents

This could leave you exposed and someone may take advantage of leaving them unattended.


Like cosmetics, the medicins have a fairly similar impact when kept inside a car. It is recommended to keep most of the medicines at room temperature and in a dry place. 

Aerosol can

The temperature change could cause the aerosol can to burst. 


It could melt and this could be messy.


Again, this is not the best from a safety point of view.
Tags: Safety rules  car safety  protection  safety tips  dangerous objects