Things Every Caffeine Addict can Relate To

Jan 08, 2020

If you are caffeine-dependent  and run out of your entire coffee beans stock by the end of the week then welcome to the club. That rich aroma of coffee that wakes us up even before entering the system is the most addictive thing in this world so we blame our dependency on its awesomeness!

There are many things we strongly feel about our cup of coffee and here are some that every caffeine addict can relate to:

No concept of having too much coffee

You know you haven’t had enough coffee when talking to people is giving you a headache

400 bucks for one cup of coffee? Worth it.

Always talking fast and being jittery

Only acceptable way of dying for us? By caffeine overdose.

You can never say no to coffee

Being a familiar customer to every Barista in your area

Your cappuccino getting cold before you’ve had a sip would be the worst nightmare of your life!

Can’t stand people who pour too much milk and sugar in their coffee and call themselves coffee lovers

Tags: caffeine addict  coffee lovers  caffeine  things to relate