People Born with Extra Body Parts

Nov 06, 2019

We often wish to have an extra arm or leg to complete our work  but there are are some people in this world who are born with extra body part. So before you know about them be thankful that you don't have anything extra as even that is problematic. 

1. The girl with eight limbs

 Lakshmi Tatma was born with eight limbs and two torsi attached at the hips. Later she had an operation to separate her from a parasitic twin.

2. The kid with two faces

Chinese baby Kang Kang was born with a very rare disorder. He entered the world with a masked face on top of his face.

3. Sarah Reinfelder

She was born with two uterus.

4. Cassandra Bankson

Youtube star Cassandra Bankson has two vaginas

5. The Boy With 31 Fingers And Toes

Hong Hong was born in China with 15 fingers and 16 toes. He also has two palms on each hand and no thumbs.

6.The Diphallic Guy

This man has two fully functional penis.

7. Women with three legs and four arms

Sisters Ganga and Jamuna share three legs and four arms

8. Brigham Nordstrom

This boy was diagnosed with having five kidneys. All of them were fully functional.
Tags: people  people with extra body parts  extra body parts  unique people