Annoying Relationship Things you Must Stop

Feb 05, 2018

There are many things we do with our partner especially when the relationship is new and blooming. For a relationship to succeed both the partners need to understand what things may irritate the other. So, here we are with the annoying relationship things one should stop doing:

Using joint FB accounts

Creating joint FB accounts to creating joint emails as weird as it sounds, for any one in a relationship, this is a no go territory.

Changing relationship status

Changing status to “in a relationship” or “it’s complicated” upon every fight, Drama Queen much!

Referring yourself to “WE”

Nobody is a fan of those couples who refer themselves every time as ‘we’.

Posting literally all over social media

Some couples have the habit of posting everything about themselves on social media. From posting pictures of having lunch to changing status in misunderstandings and fights!

Keeping an annoyingly common nicknames

From ‘babe’ to ‘cutiepie’, these common nicknames are sheer mood killers, aren’t they ‘honey’.

Calling, messaging throughout the day

Calling every minute for every reason makes no sense. One needs to learn to tackle things on own.

Being dependent

Going to a movie, call the partner! Going shopping, he has to come as well. Self-dependency is something?
Tags: Relationship annoying things  Relationship