Copy These Beautiful Portraits of Children!

Dec 20, 2018

Giedre Gomes is a multi-award winning children photographer. She is a mother to two boys- Mario and Rocco and says they are the reason she got into photography, Gomes wanted to capture their every step, moment and milestone. Children photography is something she enjoys. Check out her amazing work below:

She says: Kids seem to like me a lot. Raising two at home, I know how to communicate with them, things they like, I know how to make them laugh (no fake smiles allowed!). When I'm around little kids, I consider myself a

consider myself a "clown". I'm loud and crazy, I dance, and sing "baby shark" a lot. Further, she added: I take my models outside 99.9% of a time all year round, because I absolutely love natural light photography, especially in the evening during the golden hour, that's when most of my photoshoots take place.

Check out wonderful pictures clicked by her below:

Tags: Beautiful Portraits of Children  Portraits of Children  Giedre Gomes  Children photography