Couple’s Photo with Taal Volcano Eruption Goes viral

Jan 15, 2020

Check out the pictures of a couple who got wedding pictured with Taal volcano erupting in the background.

A couple who had their wedding scheduled 10 km away from an erupting volcano made the most of their situation and decided to add it to their wedding pictures.

Chino Vaflor and Kat Bautista Palomar got unique wedding photos and didn’t let a volcanic eruption ruin their wedding plans. No evacuation warning was issued in the area and the wedding photographer complied with the couple’s wishes and now they have pictures that are making rounds on the internet.

With dark sky and even a streak of lightning, the pictures grabbed attention of netizens. No one was harmed during the ceremony.

Another couple, Jezreel and Riza, who got married on the same day could get similar pictures for themselves.

Taal is one of the few active volcanoes in Philippines. It lies along the ‘ring of fire’, otherwise known as a seismically active region.
Tags: Taal volcano  volcanic eruption  viral photos  wedding photos  viral wedding photos