Covid-19: Indians Sing “Gayatri Mantra” from Balconies

Mar 19, 2020

Just like quarantined neighbors singing and dancing in their balconies in Italy, residents at a society complex in Gurgram followed the same by singing the Gayatri Maha Mantra.

At an apartment in Gurgaon’s Sector 28 residents came out in their balconies to sing prayer songs ‘Gayatri Mantra Om Bhur Bhuva Swaha’ and ‘Hum honge kamyaab’,” tweeted a user while posting multiple videos of people clapping .

Check out the video below:

After being shared online, the video has gone viral . While some people praised it, some called it “staged” as there is no lockdown in Gurugram, India.

Tags: Covid-19  coronavirus  coronavirus outbreak  self-quarantine  Gurugram  SInging  Twitter  Tweests