Must Try Instant Noodle Flavors

Oct 12, 2020

Maggie is our favorite instant noodle and no other can replace it but there are many different flavors available in the market. The world of instant noodles is more diverse and flavorful than ever. So, if you want to explore different instant noodle flavors, there we have a list of the top best ones available.

Samyang Ramen - Spicy Chicken

Kimchi flavored noodles

Hot chicken and cheese flavoured Samyang noodles

Italian cup noodles

Maggi special masala

MAMA - Tom Yum Flavor

Koka noodles

Indonesia: Indomie Mi Goreng Rasa Ayam Panggang, BBQ Chicken Flavor

Tags: Instant Noodles  Instant Noodle  Instant Noodle Flavors  different noodle flavors  noodle  delicious instant noodle flavor  noodle flavors