Designer creates Wedding Dress using Facemasks

Jul 22, 2021

People in the United Kingdom are celebrating “Freedom Day” as Covid-19 lockdown restrictions are lifted there. This also means that weddings can now take place without any restrictions. A wedding planning agency decided to mark the occasion by unveiling a bridal gown made of facemasks. Photos of the gown have set the internet on fire.

The beautiful, flowing white dress commissioned by the wedding planner website and supplier marketplace Hitched, is made out of 1,500 upcycled facemasks, and designed by Tom Silverwood, a noted TV, and film costume designer. The agency collaborated with h

As per reports: “The dress also serves to highlight the waste that disposable plastic PPE has on the environment, with Hitched claiming that 100 million disposable masks are thrown away in the UK every week.”

The muse for the gown was model Jemima Hambro, the ruffled gown was revealed at a photoshoot near London’s iconic landmark of St Paul’s Cathedral. Paired with a simple bouquet, golden strappy heels, and a mask hair accessory, the offbeat creation caught e

The agency said they were excited and happy that after more than one-and-a-half years, wedding ceremonies will be returning in England without legal restrictions, which severely affected the wedding industry.

Tags: Facemasks  facemask  wedding dress of facemasks  designer  England  unique wedding dress