'God Emperor' Trump Float Presides Over A Parade, Terrifies Everyone

Feb 15, 2019

At the annual Viareggio Carnevale parade in Italy a huge float featuring US president Donald Trump as God Emperor was showacased. Accodirng to sources, the float titled Master Drone was made by Fabrizio Galli, and  features a Twitter sword and a clawed hand. After the pictures from the parade went viral on social media people started trolling it. Check out their posts below.

Check out the video of the float:

Explanning his creation Galli said: It’s a joke, but in fact, he’s trying to destroy nations with the economy instead of nuclear missiles,” . on the other hand the website of the fesitval described it as: “supreme myth of having power over the whole universe”.

Some people find it funny, while some called it a nightmare. check out what people think about the float:

Tags: Viareggio Carnevale parade Italy  Donald Trump  Twitter  Tweets  Donald Trump float