Fire on Railway Tracks in Chicago

Jan 31, 2019

This year the record of winters has been broken in the USA and the major effects of it have been seen in Chicago. It’s so cold that the temperature reached -30?, people are trying to deal with this freezing weather and also taking all the necessary steps to keep them protected.

Recently Metra Rail has taken one of the measures to avoid the problems that can occur because of snow. They burnt the railway tracks so that trains do not get delayed and work properly.

It is not a risky thing because it’s a technique where the flames come from an underground series of gas pipes, the major purpose is to keep the tracks heated up. Workers light the fire and stay around to observe that nothing goes wrong. The crew members stay in the area when the heating systems are being used so they can observe the flames. Earlier the staff used to fill the pots with kerosene and keep them in spaces between the track ties and the hand.

It's safe to run the trains over the flames because it runs through Diesel.

Tags: Chicago  Trains  RailwayTrack  Winters