Funny Days Celebrated Around The World

Jul 30, 2020

Many days are celebrated in the World but we bring you some of the weird days and silly ones which you will be shocked to know are actually celebrated in some or the other parts of the world.

Ask a Stupid Question Day

September 28 is the day to ask stupid questions. This day originated sometime in the 80s and was meant to encourage kids to speak up in class and not be embarrassed about things they didn’t understand.

International Nose Picking Day

On April 23 it’s acceptable to do some picking in public.

National Cleavage Day

This day is all for a good cause, with proceeds going to the Sunflower Fund, which helps South Africans affected by blood diseases.

Chocolate Cake Day

On 27 January enjoy a delicious chocolate cake.

International No Diet Day

Celebrated on May 6,it is to raise awareness about the various dieting disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia.

Cubicle Day

Decorate your workspace on April 28.

World Kindness Day

Give someone a hug on November 13
Tags: Funny days  celebration  bizzare  World  funny celebrations