Hilarious Memes on Marie Kondo’s Show

Jan 25, 2019

Within a short span of time, Netflix has become one of the most popular sources of entertainment and knowledge. Though almost all good shows are featured in it but some are just out of the box and loved by everyone. Newly started Marie Kondo’s Tidying Up is among one of them which has been praised and also inspired many people to keep their home organized. As everything is not perfect so recently due to a technical glitch people came up with hilarious memes for the show.

The error was shared by a Twitter user where instead of Kondo’s smiling face people saw a promotional image of a gunman holding an AK-47 in the desert!

Many users said that the image was depicting the mothers giving their children ultimatums to clean up their messy rooms.

This immediately went viral and resulted in a lot of comments and reactions on the social media. Check them out below:

Tags: Netflix  Marie Kondo  Tidying Up  Marie Kondo Memes