Singaporeans Using Condoms for Coronavirus Protection

Feb 13, 2020

The coronavirus is spreading every day and now Singapore declared the country to be on ‘Disease Outbreak Response System Condition’ (DORSCON) orange level alert. The rapid increase of the virus has poked fear across the globe.

With all the fear of the virus, people are looking out for ways to protect themselves and their loved ones. However, there is a storage of masks and not everyone can afford quality medical equipment.

Following the same, people in Singapore are stocking up on their condom supplies instead of masks, hand sanitizer, tissues, and non-perishable food items. But there is a reason other than sexual intercourse.

Based on several pictures by Singaporean citizens on Twitter, it is believed that people might be slipping a condom on their finger when they need to press elevator buttons.

Ever since the pictures went viral, condom shelves in Singaporean stores have been cleaned out and people have been panic buying, Stores have literally run out of condoms!

As per the reports, panic among Singaporeans has prompted Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to give reassurance via a 9-minute recorded message on Sunday. He said “fear can do more harm than the virus itself” amid reports of long lines and hoarding at local supermarkets.
Tags: Singapore  Coronavirus Protection  Coronavirus outbreak  fear  condoms  Singapore use of condoms