Is This Woman Standing On Top Of Burj Khalifa?

Aug 10, 2021

People on the internet love a good advertisement and the Dubai-based airline's Emirates has caught the attention. To celebrate the quarantine free travel between Britain and the United Arab Emirates, the airlines released a 33-second long video and it soon went viral.

The video featured a woman standing on top of Burj Khalifa and you can see it here:

This video takes an unexpected turn and people were amazed to see the work of green screen, special effects and CGI.

Nicole also shared the ad on Instagram, saying, “This is, without a doubt, one of the most amazing and exciting stunts I've ever done. A big shout out to Emirates Airlines for your creative marketing idea! It was a pleasure being a part of the team!”

This is what people had to say about this Ad:

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Tags: Burj Khalifa  Emirates  best advertisements  United Arab Emirates  Viral ads