List of Weird Starbucks Drinks

Dec 08, 2020

Frappuccino is the most popular Starbucks drink. When the brand launched its first two Frappuccino flavors, Coffee and mocha nobody knew how far the flavors would go. Starbucks has never been shy about experimenting with different flavor combinations, but some of them turned out to be weird. So here is the list of some weird Starbucks drinks:

American Cherry Pie Frappuccino

Not only does it blend real cherry compote into a traditional vanilla frappe, there is a literal pie crust on top.

Summer Berry Panna Cotta Frappuccino

This drink has traditional panna cotta pudding in it.

Mango Jelly Frappuccino

This fruity frappe combines mango, peach, strawberry, and orange into a frozen drink that's loaded with peach jellies.

S'mores Frappuccino

Instead of drinking them you can eat s’mores.

Eggnog Frappuccino

The drink had eggnog blended with coffee, spices, and milk topped with whipped cream and nutmeg.

Baby Vomit.

Baby Vomit consists of a killer 17 ingredients added to an iced green tea latte base

Crystal Ball Frappuccino

The drink was a combination of a mystical, turquoise peach infusion, topped with peach whipped cream and one of three different candy gems that reveal your fortune.
Tags: Weird Starbucks Drinks  Frappuccino  Frappuccino flavors  weird Frappuccino flavors  Starbucks Drinks  Starbucks