New Recipes People Tried During Quarantine!

Apr 17, 2020

All of us decided to eat healthily and focus on our diet during this quarantine. But the quarantine has brought out the creative chef inside us and people are clearly showing off their cooking skills on social media.

This has also made their experimentation game strong. No burger buns? No issues use donuts or bread. No breadcrumbs for steak? Cover them up with nachos. With this people are trying up some new recipes and we have got the results.

Ran Out Of Milk

Ran Out Of Breadcrumbs So I decided to use doritos

No bread, so eggs

Fine Dining During The Quarantine

Tweaked Bunny

Lasagna Sandwich

Quarantine burger

Egg wrapped egg

Blue pasta

Tags: quarantine recipes  quarantine  quarantine cooking  cooking  quarantine dishes  new recipes  quarantine experiments