Perfect Captions to Show your Love for Ice Cream Sundae!

Mar 17, 2021

For me summer means Ice cream drizzled with chocolate syrup  topped with whipped cream and rainbow sprinkles. An ice cream sundae is one thing without which summers are incomplete. They're one of the best midnight snacks and comfort foods and are the perfect dessert to finish off any meal. If you are a sundae lover like me then here are some perfect captions to show your love for the desert.

Go sprinkles or go home.

I'll stop the world and melt with you.'

All you need is love and maybe a little ice cream.

Any day that involves a sundae is the best day of the week.'

'Sundae, fun day.'

You are the sprinkles to my ice cream.'

Don't trust anyone who doesn't put whipped cream on their sundae.

A sundae will melt your heart each time.'

'I scream. You scream. We all scream for ice cream.'

Whatever your questions is, ice cream is the answer.'

It's a sundae party!

Ice cream — the great melter of all resolve.

Tags: Ice Cream Sundae  Ice Cream lover  Ice Cream Sundae captions  quotes  Ice Cream Sundae picture captions  quotes  food quotes  ice cream quotes