Pictures of Serbia's Iridescent Clouds Go Viral

Feb 04, 2020

Svetlana Kazina, a photographer quit her job in the city to follow her dreams. With time mountain became her natural habitat and capturing them her hobby. She captures breathtaking views of nature to share it with all of us. She recently went on a trip to Siberia’s highest peak and photographed the colorful clouds over there. Check out amazing pictures clicked by her below:

She had to be quick because the natural color didn’t last for long. She said: “Firstly, the sun rose higher and higher, and it was getting too bright. Secondly, I had to fly to the second weather station.”

She also stated: “I captured the iridescent clouds on a frosty winter morning, standing on the frozen Ak-Kem lake,” the woman said. “Iridescence is a fairly common phenomenon in our mountains. When photographing these clouds, I used a polarizing filter to make the formations even clearer.”

The beautiful Belukha mountain in all its glory

Tags: Serbia's Iridescent clouds  cloud photography  clouds  Serbia's colorful clouds