Pizza Hut Taiwan Launches Ramen Pizza and People Have Mixed Reactions

Jun 26, 2020

We all know pizza is originally from Italy, but its ever-growing popularity around the world has often resulted in a new variety in various countries. To combine two traditional food flavors, Pizza Hut Taiwan is set to introduce Ramen Pizzas.

The International fast-food brand recently announced that its latest limited-edition variety will be a fusion of authentic Japanese style noodles cooked in the broth but served on a pizza crust laden with cheese.

Dubbed as the “world’s first ramen pizza”, it will include Japanese barbecued pork, sprinkled with green onion and refreshing bamboo shoots, with garlic porridge bone sauce ramen, including garnishing of white sesame seeds.

Named “Noodle House Musashi” pizza, the company has already promoted a few combo offers while introducing the new product. Single pizza of the new product will be priced at NT$ 459 (INR 1179).

And in case, you’re already puzzled by this unusual combo, there’s another more bizarre offering from the brand, two pizza varieties using durian, a fruit infamous for its smell, called “White Coffee Durian” and “Golden Durian”.

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Posted by ??? Pizza Hut Taiwan on Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Anyone up for ramen pizza:
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