Signs You Have a Toxic Friend Circle

Sep 06, 2021

Staying around toxic people can be difficult, even more, if they are your friends. We always hear people asking to cut off toxic people from life but how do you identify them? Here are some signs to know whether the people around you are toxic or your well wishers. 

Every conversation is about them and they rarely ask anything about you.

They are always surrounded by drama and talk about what others are up to.

You usually end up feeling demotivated after having a conversation with them.

They constantly compare their lives with yours and make you feel uncomfortable.

They don't respect your boundaries and always push you to do something you don't like.

Moral policing is their habit but they rarely hold themselves up to that standard.

They are always jealous of someone or the other and rarely praise anybody.

Now sit down and think do you have suh people around you ?
Tags: Toxic friends  toxic circle  friendship lessons  toxic people  negative friends