Viral Quarantine Trends on Social Media

Apr 08, 2020

These days’ people are chilling at their homes due to lockdown as they have been asked to maintain social distancing. As people are free and spend most of their time on social media, many trends are ruling the internet during this lockdown. From making a cup of dalgona coffee, to working on their fitness, this time is great to bond with your loved ones and follow the trending trends.

• #Dalgonacoffee

This trend started in South Korea but took over social media by storm. It is just a version of beaten up coffee.

• #Safehandschallenge

This challenge was initiated by the World Health Organization to spread awareness on how to wash and sanitize hands to prevent coronavirus. This challenge involves washing hands with alcohol-based sanitizer or soap, posting a video of the same on social media while doing it and nominating three more people to join in.

• #Handmojichallenge

This challenge started on TikTok but soon caught up on Instagram. In this one, an effect pops up with 9 different hand gestures including thumbs up and down, rock on and so on. People have to make those signs and match them.

• Online bingo

Bingo love continues only this time it is millennial-friendly and customized. People are sharing a list of various things and ticking off the ones they have done. It includes like: been fired, read a book, had a pet and much more things.

• Life imitates art

It is an interesting challenge started by the Getty Museum in Los Angeles. The museum asked people to people to recreate a piece of art using only people or objects found around their homes.

• Fitness challenges

There are kinds of challenges which come under fitness challenge like #See10Do10Challenge, #100SkippingChallenge, #PlankChallenge, #NoEquipmentWorkout, and so many more.

• Saree challenge

In India, women are posting their single picture in saree and nominating their friends to do the same.

• #TagYourQueens or #ChallengeAccepted

#TagYourQueens or #ChallengeAccepted is a way to bond with other women and inspire them. Women across social media are encouraging one another to upload one image of just themselves.

• TikTok chef challenge

This challenge is ruling TikTok, people have to share whatever they are cooking in this quarantine. There are prizes as well.
Tags: Social media trends  Social media challenges  trend on social media  Twitter  challenges  quarantine  Coronavirus lockdown