Someone Designed Quarantine Themed Barbie Dolls!

Jun 02, 2020

If you think only kids can play with dolls, you are totally wrong. Apparently, adults like Barbie dolls as much as children, and one such person is Tonya Ruiz, also known as Grandma Gets Real. After years of actively campaigning against Barbie dolls for the unrealistic body standards they set for little girls, Tonya found out that Barbies are much more realistic these days.

She spends her free time creating scenes showing what Barbies would look like if they were real people. Her last project was quarantine Barbies. Ever since she noticed parody dolls on Ell

Check out her latest creation:

What do you think about these quarantine barbies? 
Tags: quarantine themed Barbie dolls  barbie dolls  barbie  quarantine barbie  Tonya Ruiz