Struggles People Who Can’t Cook Can Relate To

Jul 25, 2018

Are you the one of those who cannot cook to save their lives, well welcome abroad.There is no denying the fact that  good food cures everything but for those who love food but can’t cook have to face many struggles.We tell you a things that people who can't cook have to deal with  and we are sure all the non-cooks can relate to it 

There are only a few things they know to cook

You can only cook noodles, boil eggs or make a cup of tea!

The yummiest dish you can make is in the microwave

As more than half of the work is of the microwave, your fanciest dish is made in it only.

Whenever you try to cook you call an expert

You call your mom or a friend who knows to cook every 5 minutes to make sure you are cooking the correct way!

When you talk of cooking, it sounds like a joke

Whenever you talk about trying to make something special and especially discussing it with your friends, it becomes a joke!

You always wash the dishes because you didn’t help in food

Anyone who can’t cook always has to be the dishes washer as the work for them is to clean the mess later.

Never calling friends for dinner

If you are one who does not know the ‘C’ of cooking, you always avoid offering a dinner party at home.

Spending all your money on fast food

You empty your pocket with paying bills of restaurants!

Always missing homemade food

Craving for homemade food is the biggest struggle you have to survive with.

Your favourite restaurant knows your name by heart

The places from where you often order knows your name and even the delivery boy recognizes you by face.
Tags: Cooking  Struggles of cooking  Coook