Worst Junk Food Combinations!

Mar 18, 2021

We all love treating ourselves to junk food from time to time but did you know some food combos don't go well together? Here are some of these and you should definitely avoid having them together next time you are out to grab a bite.

Burger and Fries

Although we do get meal combos of burgers and fries, the trans fat in burgers and starch in fries make this combo bad for your health.

Eggs and Bacon

It is a popualr breakfast combo but when had together, it is not the best.

Pizza and Soda

We never think twice before adding soda to our pizza order but when had together, it can slow down digestion.

Muffin and Juice

This food combo will cause a spike in your blood sugar level which will wear off quickly, leaving you hungry again.

Mashed Potato and Meat

This combo can cause digestive problems.

Tomato Pasta

Tomato is acidic in nature and should not be had with starchy foods like Pasta.
Tags: junk food combos  bad junk food combo  unhealthy food combos  bad food combination