Things Night Owls Can Relate To

Jan 27, 2020

The saying, early to bed and early to rise is not made for you because you are the child of darkness as you would rather rule the night than the day. You just can’t sleep and understand why people waste the night. If you belong to the group of a night owl, we are sure you will relate to these things.

• Your clock goes from PM to AM

• You feel guilty for not sleeping on time so every day you resolve to sleep early

• You become a creative person in the night

• You are irritated throughout the day because you did not get enough sleep

• You friends call you a night owl

• Internet is your best friend in the night

• You hate it when people fall asleep on house parties

• You don’t need caffeine to stay awake

• You are admired for being available at odd hours

• Night-owls tend to be more intelligent

• You are more in touch with your friends staying abroad because you can talk to them at night.

• You usually miss breakfast, because you wake up at the time of brunch

• Binge watching is your thing

• Sleeping early is not your cup of tea

Tags: night owl  night person  things to relate  memes  night