This Singaporean Love for Parle-G Biscuits!

Dec 08, 2020

Parle-G biscuits remind most of us of our childhood and are also one of the favorite biscuits of all times. It goes well with tea and is just the perfect kind of crunchy. A man from Singapore shared his fondness of these biscuits online and netizens were excited to hear that.

'Singaporean here. I remember trying this in India while having tea with some friends and it’s amazing.' he wrote under the post and also shared that he has bought several packets!

Desi people were happy to hear that and said that he is now an Indian. Take a look at the comments below:

Do you like Parle-G biscuits?
Tags: Parle G biscuits  funny comments  Singapore  Indians  Desi people  Parle-G fans