This Woman Turned her Face into Mona Lisa!

May 29, 2018

By now we all would agree to the fact that makeup is an actual work of art and we have come across one more case. A woman has earned herself a place at the Louvre with her re-creaction  of the Mona Lisa, the famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci. Check out her pictures:

Instagram user Yuya Mika posted a video on her account showing how she contoured her face to look exactly same like the Mona Lisa and honestly it is super impressive. To create this Mona Lisa look she used different shades of liquid bronzer and concealer to add shadows to her face and visually alter her bone structure to match Vinci’s most iconic painting- Mona Lisa.

Insane, right? We are not only amazed by her work but her fans also commented on the video: Your makeup skills are beyond expert level....they're like da Vinci level," and "More stunning than the Mona Lisa herself." She not only worked on this face but has also re-created Lady with an Ermine.

We must say she has done a wonderful job!
Tags: Mona Lisa  Makeup  Makeup look  Louvre  Yuya Mika