Tips to Turn Unhealthy Cravings Healthy

Jan 06, 2021

Weight loss is the most common new year resolution so here we bring some cheat tips that will surely help you lose some extra kilos. You still need to be determined about workout and diet though.

Replace ice cream with Greek yogurt as the protein in the yogurt will elevate your mood too.

If you drink ice-cold water, your body will burn a few extra calories heating that water up once it's inside you.

Stay away from the pantry from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m.

Try to keep yourself occupied.

Go for grilled meat instead of fried.

Opt for boiled rice instead of biryani or fried rice.

Whenever you feel like munching, call a friend to distract your mind.

Instead of dessert opt for fruits.

Go for running as it curbs hunger by increasing production of the appetite-suppressing peptide.

Tags: cravings  foods  healthy cravings  unhealthy cravings  new year resolution