True Facts That Are Hard to Believe

Jan 28, 2020

Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction and  here we have true, yet hard-to-believe fact.

Check them out and also share more such interesting facts by commenting below

Alaska is the most northern, the most western, and also the most eastern US state

Just like fingerprints of humans, no two tigers will have the same stripe pattern on their bodies!

Avocadoes are toxic to animals. Apart from that, the pits, leaves, unripe fruits, and stems of avocado are known to be poisonous

A Japanese fish named Hanako lived for 226 years

Paper cuts are more difficult to bear than knife cuts

Lobsters don’t die unless they are killed due to any external factor

Honey can be stored for up to 5000 years

It is possible for dead people to get goosebumps!

Every chocolate bar contains at least 8 insects

Alpacas can die of loneliness.

Tags: true facts  hard to believe facts  facts