US President calls Stormy Daniels ‘Horseface’

Oct 18, 2018

US President Donald Trump recently commented on adult movie star Stormy Daniels by calling her a ‘Horseface’. For this he not only received backlash from haters but many also pointed out the grammatical errors in his tweet. After his comment Stormy Daniels filed a defamation lawsuit against the President.

This is what Trump had tweeted:

His tweet was criticized by many and Daniel came forward and replied him. Here is what she wrote:

After these tweets the US President was not only trolled by haters but was also reminded of his grammatical errors in the tweet and that this was just one part of the lawsuit. The President also went wrong in spelling the name of the adult movie star

Tags: US President  Donald Trump  Horseface  Stormy Daniels  Stormy Daniels as horseface