Vastu Tips For Better Mental Health

Jun 30, 2020

Mental health is a big problem nowadays because of the pandemic stress but with few small vastu changes in your house you can eliminate the negative energy and enhance the positive energy. These little changes will have a big effect on your health and mental well being

1. Place happy pictures of your family in the Northeast of your house to bring happiness in your life.

2. Never align your bed with the toilet wall, as that brings negative energy.

3. Always lie with your head in the south direction while sleeping as it promotes a peaceful and a healthy lifestyle.

4. Never construct a bedroom in the northeast direction; it causes health problems.

5. Avoid sleeping under light beams as it leads to depression, headache and memory loss.

6. Light a candle or lamp daily in the northeast direction as it promotes good health.

7. Avoid plants like rubber plant, cactus, Bonsai and other milky plants as these might add to your illness and stress.

8. Presence of the abode of God in the South or South-west creates obstacles to all situations of life leading to mental disturbance.

9. The center of the house should always be left empty or with very light furniture.

Tags: Vastu tips  mental health  mental health improvement  Vastu Shastra  Vastu architecture