Wash Your Hands After Touching These Highly Germ Infected Items

Mar 26, 2020

As the number of positive cases of coronavirus increases in the world, countries are taking precautions to stop it. While we are experiencing self-quarantine, there are some essentials things that we have to do because of which we come in contact with some highly germ-infested items. Here is the list of items, that you should be careful while touching. 

• Petrol pumps

Petrol pumps have 11,000 times more bacteria than a toilet seat. So wash your hands after going to the petrol pump.

• Elevator buttons

These buttons are one of the most common items that you touch daily. So whenever you go out, either don’t touch the buttons or wash your hands after doing that.

• ATM buttons

Amidst the lockdown ATM is a place that people need to visit, so be careful while using an ATM machine and sanitize your hands and money.

• Shop counters

Though every shop owner is taking precautions and sanitizing their shops daily, still be careful while you to out to stock some stuff. Wash and sanitize your hands and the items that you buy.

• Public doors

Self-isolation is recommended at this time, but you have to go to grocery stores and chemists. And public doors carry a lot of germs.
Tags: germ infested items  germ infected items  germs  coronavirus  coronavirus 2020  germ places