Make Your Brother Feel Special If He is Away From You

Aug 19, 2021

The bond that sisters share with their brothers is unmatchable, unbreakable, and the most wonderful one in the world. We all feel safest around them, and they mean the world to us. But as we grow up we tend to move out of the house and if your brother too lives away from home then we tell you how you can still make him feel special on Raksha Bandhan 

Video call

Thanks to the video call invention, you can do a video call. 

Send him a rakhi hamper

Send a basket of his favorite things to him from online stores.

Get a cake delivered

Take the help of one of his friends and get a cake delivered for him.

Send rakhi

There are many courier services available, you can send a rakhi through them. 

Send a virtual gift

There are a lot of virtual gifts available these days, you can choose and send him one. Or you can make a special video for him.

Social media post

Post memories of your previous rakhi celebration or fun moments with a pretty and emotional caption.

Write a letter

A handwritten letter with all of your emotions will be very precious for him. Write a beautiful letter for your brother and send it across.
Tags: brother sister bond  Rakhi 2021  Raksha Bandhan  Rakhi  brother sister  ways to make him feel special