Ways to Prevent Cockroaches in Kitchen

Aug 11, 2020

Cockroaches multiply at an alarming rate so it is important to control them. Though professional pest control is a great way we can even use some natural remedies that you can start with apart from keeping your surroundings clean

Crush some bay leaves and sprinkle them in your cupboards or where you spot them often.

Mix hot water, 1 portion of white vinegar and stir well, wipe slabs and clean around the cook tops with this solution. You can also pour this solution in the kitchen drain

By mixing 1 lemon, 2 tablespoon baking soda in 1litre hot water and washing the area below the sink or slabs with this solution can stop the breeding of cockroaches.

Just mix some boric acid and sugar, then spread it across the places where you find cockroaches breeding

Essential oils like peppermint oils and lavender oil can help in keeping bugs at bay.

You can also spray some neem oil mixed with hot water to stop the roaches and bugs from breeding in the kitchen.

Just sprinkle some freshly ground cinnamon powder around the kitchen and keep the bugs away from climbing up the kitchen slabs and cabinets.

Tags: Cockroaches in Kitchen  Cockroaches  cockroach. kitchen hacks  cockroach hacks