Weird Sex Laws from Around the World

Jan 18, 2018

Sex is a tabooed topic in the society. Everyone’s personal affair is everybody’s business. From religion to society to government, sex is always their subject to put restrictions. Every country has their own set of laws including sex laws. Here is a list of weird sex laws from around the world that will surely blow your mind. Check them out:

· In China women cannot walk naked around a hotel room. We understand the bathroom, but the room?

· In Bangladesh and Nepal, movies that have fake lovemaking scenes or scenes which show the pubic area of men and women are banned.

· In Budapest, Hungary. Couples cannot make love with the lights on.

· By the law, it is necessary in Colombia for mothers to witness their daughters lose their virginity.

· In Dubai, PDA is not allowed; it might lend you to 10 days in jail including both lovebirds.

· In Hong Kong, it is legally allowed to a wife to kill her cheating husband. But only with her bare hands.

· As per Lebanese law, men are legally allowed to have sex with animals, but the female ones.

· In Washington, under any circumstances, it is against the law to have sex with a virgin (including the wedding night)

· In Florida, Men cannot kiss their wife’s breast.

· In Oregon, It’s illegal for a man to curse during sex.

And you thought sex is fun? Not with these restrictions.
Tags: Sex Laws  Laws around the world  Laws  outdated traditions