Weirdest Facial Treatments For Glowing Skin

May 11, 2021

Maintaining a youthful glow takes effort and people try a lot of things to keep their skin healthy. You must have heard of the common tips and facials that people swear by but there are a few odd treatments that are definitely not for the faint-hearted. Take a look at these bizarre facials treatments that you can get done, if you wish to!

Vampire facial

This facial uses plasma collected from your blood which is then applied on your face.

Snail Facial

This facial has helped people in Japan, Thailand and a few other countries keep their skin soft and wrinkle-free. The snails are left on your face and they leave their slime behind.

Bird Poop Facial

Geishas were known to swear by bird poop facials. The cream used for this includes rice bran and bird poop which is then applied to the skin.

Caviar Facial

Caviar facial may leave you with a smelly skin but experts believe it helps with aging.

Mayonnaise facial

Many people swear by the moisturisation given by mayo. It is as simple as buying a jar of mayo, slathering it on your face and waiting for a few minutes.

Thai Slap Massage

Yes, slap massage is believed to help with blood circulation and also prevents wrinkles.

Have you tried any of these facials?
Tags: facial treatments  weird facials  cosmetic treatments  spooky facials