Bizarre Obsessions Of Royals In History

Jan 13, 2021

We all love to take a deep dive into the lives of royals as history shows that some of them had interesting yet questionable habits. Some of their habits were dangerous for their times while others were bizarre. If you too love to dig up facts about royals in the past, here are a few noteworthy royals who were known for their weird habits and incidences.

Queen Juana I of Castile had an odd attachment to her dead husband's corpse.

Caligula from Julio-Claudian dynasty had a close relationship with his horse. He even used to have dinner with the horse.

Ivan IV of Russia was better known as “the Terrible” as he used to torture people and animals.

Louis XIV received many enemas throughout his life.

Christian VII was the king of Denmark and was known to be a chronic masturbator.

Princess of Bavaria, Alexandra Amalie had an OCD and refused to wear any color that wasn't white.

Napoleon hated to lose at cards, chess or any other game, and took pains to avoid doing so.

King Ludwig II Of Bavaria loved spending his time planning how to build castles.

Tags: Royals  Royals facts  kings and Queens  bizarre fact  weird facts