Why You Must Eat Paneer Daily!

Aug 19, 2020

Cottage Cheese or Paneer as it's commonly known in India is both enjoyed by vegetarians and nonvegetarians. It is an all-rounder when it comes to ways it can be enjoyed and the best part is that it tastes good almost in all these forms and can be added to almost every dish but today we tell you the heath reasons for adding it.

1. 100 grams of cottage cheese has a whopping 83 grams of protein and is rich in fats and iron.

2. It is packed with magnesium which ensures better heart health and immune system

3. It contains potassium which has been known to play a key role in fluid balance of body.

4. Cottage cheese has a decent amount of phosphorus which helps in digestion and excretion.

5. This fatty acid helps increase the fat burning process in the body.

6. It is quite useful to prevent deadly diseases such as cancer by preventing the growth of cancer-causing cells in the body.

Tags: Paneer  cottage cheese  paneer benefits  Paneer nutrients  Paneer facts