Youtuber Shares a Realistic Version of Motherhood

Jan 22, 2019

In today’s digitalized World things have become so fake that at times it becomes difficult to know what’s real and what’s not. Motherhood is not an easy task especially when you become a parent for the first time, though many mothers post the perfect pictures of their duties but this Youtuber has shown us a real state.

Recently an American comedian and YouTuber Colleen Ballinger who became a mother to a baby boy shared her motherhood experience by posting two pictures of her.

She tweeted “I see a lot of moms online who portray a perfect, easy lifestyle but this is a more realistic version of what motherhood looks like. I wish more people would show their reality instead of the most perfect version of themselves online. cuz the messy stuff is beautiful too.”

Immediately after she uploaded this, many women agreed while some disagreed to her and responded on her tweet. Check them out below:

Tags: Mothers  Motherhood  Women  Colleen Ballinger