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12 Dumbest Sports ever created

Apr 18, 2018

There are hundreds of different sports practiced all over the world. But, some sports will just leave you questioning the saneness of those who have created them. Going from silly and confusing to creepy and dumb, some sports just make no sense at all. So, here are such 12 dumbest sports ever created.

4. Buzkashi

This game is also known as “goat pulling,” It is a ruthless Central Asian sport in which players riding horse make efforts to place a headless goat carcass in a goal. It is the national sport of Afghanistan. Buzkashi matches are usually very brutal and can last for up to several days.

5. Worm Charming

The practice of persuading earthworms from wet dirt can be found all over the world. But, in England, they have turned this practice into a sport discipline. The World Worm Charming Championships are held yearly since 1980. The wormers are given a little square of land to collect more worms than anyone else.

6. Cricket Spitting

This sport was developed in 1996 by entomologist Tom Turpin at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. It is a sport in which contenders put a dead cricket in their mouth…and then spit it as far as they can.
Tags: World Famous Sports  Weird Sports  Dumbest Sports  Sports  

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