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Medical Gadgets to Keep at Home

Apr 28, 2021

In these times when stepping out of the house is not safe, it is best to have medical care at home. Medical gadgets help in providing accurate and consistent data about your health to your doctor. When it is not possible to go to the hospital to get tested, it's better to keep some equipment at home. Low-cost gadgets that track your vitals like blood pressure, blood oxygen levels, respiration rate, pulse rate, and others come in handy at times and it is important to keep them at home. 

Automatic electronic blood pressure monitor

To keep a track on your blood pressure.  

Portable personal ECG monitor

A portable personal ECG monitor with a smartphone companion app will help you record ECG on a daily basis without much difficulty and also monitor your heart health.

Fingertip pulse oximeter

This one is necessary for today's time, everyone must have a digital pulse oximeter at home. It is easy to use, just insert your index finger and you will get the readings.


It is used to measure glucose levels in the blood.

Contactless IR thermometer

 Ask a medical professional for recommendations.

Wearable fitness watches

Fitness trackers have in-built sensors and up-to-date apps, which constantly monitor your calorie output, sleep times, heart rate, besides alerting you to get moving, go for a walk or jog, in case it detects you have been idle for a prolonged phase. 
Tags: Medical Gadgets  Medical Gadgets to keep at home  Gadgets  Medical Gadgets 2021  fitness watches  fitness gadgets  health  

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