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Keep Rock Salt In Your Bedroom

Apr 26, 2021

The popular pink salt isn’t just for sprinkling over dinner or a soothing bath anymore. They have made their way to decor magazines as well. Recently my sister gave me a pink salt lamp and she was telling me a lot about its benefits. So I decided to share them with you. 

What is a salt lamp?

It is a lamp made from a block of pure pink salt crystals which are derived from the Khewra Salt Mines in the Punjab Region of Pakistan, carved out in the centre to make space for a light bulb.

Air purification

Poor indoor air quality leads to many health problems, especially for children. The salt lamps will help remove dust and pollution from the air with negative ions. These ions have been shown to kill dust mites

Enhance breathing

They are believed to improve breathing by releasing negative ions.

Treats allergies

These lamps filter dust from indoor air, just like nasal sprays use salt to clear airways, they help to relieve allergy symptoms of all kinds. 

Increases energy levels

While positive ions deplete the body of energy, salt lamps do just the opposite. The negative ions increase energy levels and gives a feeling of rejuvenation.

Enhances mood

The negative ions improve mood and energy levels by increasing serotonin in the brain.

Improves sleep

Looking at the dim soothing light that the salt lamps emit lowers the stress levels. Which further helps in better sleep.
Tags: rock salt lamp  rock salt lamp benefits  benefits of rock salt lamp  rock salt  lamp  

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