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This man is obsessed with number 7 and Color Red

Dec 16, 2020

We all are obsessed with something or the other, Sevenraj: is born and brought up in Bangalore, and he is famous for his obsession with the number 7 and the color red. His obsession is so much that his blazer has 7 buttons and he dares to wear red shoes. His life is all about wearing red and white in color. Right from his house to gadgets, everything in Seven raj’s house comes with a combination of red and white color. Check out more details about his obsession below:

Sevenraj wears a red tie and a white shirt. He never opts for any other color shirts or ties.

As per his wife, it was quite awkward for her when she got married to Sevenraj. However, she later accepts his obsession and whenever she is with him, she makes sure to wear a red and white combination.

His mobile number ends with 7777. His earlier number ended with 0007.

Seven Raj speaks 7 languages and is well versed with Kanadda, English, Hindi, Tamil, Marathi, Marathi and Malayalam.

He belongs to a very traditional family where they used to wear only white clothes, so started wearing red to add some color to life.

The family is known in his locality as a happy ‘red and white’ family.

We can clearly see that color 7 and red is a big part of his life.

Tags: number 7  color red  obsession  Sevenraj  Banglore  

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